Tag Archives: Alkalize or Die

Is Distilled Water Good For Us?


What is the pH of the notoriously clean, distilled water? If you know anything about distillers, or own one (like I do), then read on.

Since the dawn of time there has been distillation in nature and it continues each and every day. The term we know it by is the Hydrologic Cycle. The Hydrologic Cycle (also called the water cycle) is the process that moves water around the earth. The cycle starts with the sun heating water in our rivers, lakes and oceans and turning it into water vapor which rises into the air (called evaporation). When water vapor cools it forms clouds (condensation) which become heavy with water and rains back to earth (precipitation). Nature knows best and nature supplies distilled water in the form of rain. However, rain water is no longer pure due to atmospheric pollution. Have you ever seen the color of rain water that has been collected in a bucket? The yellow tint it has is due to the slightly acidic pH level, which is usually around 5.6, because carbon dioxide and water in the air react together to form carbonic acid, a weak acid. The extra acidity in rain comes from the reaction of air pollutants; primarily sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, with water in the air to form strong acids (like sulfuric and nitric acid). The main sources of these pollutants are vehicles and industrial and power-generating plants.

With that being said, people have turned to in-home distillers to duplicate the process. Distilled water is water that has been boiled in an apparatus called a “still” and then recondensed in a cooling unit (”condenser”) to return the water to the liquid state. Some of the higher-end models use a charcoal filter to remove any remaining gases. The boiling action kills bacteria and other micro-organisms, and contaminants are left behind in the boiling chamber. The effectiveness of distillation is over 99+% (99.99% removal has been achieved even on ocean water–over 35,000 P.P.M).

Now with that explanation understood, distilled water will test out in a range of pH 5.5-5.8. The reason is that distilled water dissolves carbon dioxide from the air. It dissolves carbon dioxide until it is in dynamic equilibrium with the atmosphere. That means that the amount being dissolved balances the amount coming out of solution. The total amount in the water is determined by the concentration in the atmosphere. The dissolved carbon dioxide reacts with the water and finally forms carbonic acid.

Distilled water tends to be acidic and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Dr. Theodore Baroody, in his book “Alkalize or Die”, offers a list of symptoms that may be precipitated by Acidosis:

Beginning Symptoms:
1. Acne
2. Agitation
3. Muscular pain
4. Cold hands and feet
5. Dizziness
6. Low energy
7. Joint pains that travel
8. Food allergies
9. Chemical sensitivities or odors, gas, heat
10. Hyperactivity
11. Panic attacks
12. Pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping
13. Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression
14. Lack of sex drive
15. Bloating
16. Heartburn
17. Diarrhea
18. Constipation
19. Hot urine.
20. Strong smelling urine
21. Mild headaches
22. Rapid panting breath
23. Rapid heartbeat
24. Irregular heartbeat
25. White coated tongue
26. Hard to get up
27. Excess Head mucus
28. Metallic taste in mouth


Intermediate Symptoms:
1. Cold sore (Herpes I & II)
2. Depression
3. Loss of memory
4. Loss of concentration
5. Migraine headaches
6. 1nsomnia
7. Disturbance in smell, vision, taste
8. Asthma
9. Bronchitis
10. Hay Fever
11. Ear Aches
12. Hives
13. Swelling
14. Viral infections (cold, flu)
15. Bacterial Infections (staph, strep)
16. Fungal infections (candida albicans, athlete’s foot, vaginal)
17. Impotence
18. Urethritis
19. Cystitis
20. Urinary infection
21. Gastritis
22. Colitis
23. Excessive falling hair
24. Psoriasis
25. Endometriosis
26. Stuttering
27. Numbness and tingling
28. Sinusitis

Advanced Symptoms:
1. Crohn’s disease
2. Schizophrenia
3. Learning Disabled
4. Hodgkin’s Disease
5. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
6. Multiple Sclerosis
7. Sarcoidosis
8. Rheumatoid arthritis
9. Myasthenia Gravis
10. Scleroderma
11. Leukemia
13. All other forms of cancer
I encourage you to do your own research on the pH of the water you drink, and I’m sure you will consider an Alkaline based Kangen Water as I did.

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Alkalized Water Can Seem Like A Miracle

By LouAnn Savage

Much has been said about the positive effects of alkalized water. Sometimes the effects people describe border on the unbelievable and sound like some kind of miracle cure for whatever ails them. But cure it is not. A contributor to the balance of your biological terrain so your body does its own work it is.    

One’s immune system is what good true health counts on. Getting that healthful state is best achieved by changing your internal terrain so it leans toward the alkaline side rather than the acidic side. This is relevant because according to Nobel prize laureate Dr. Otto Warburg, as a result of his research in the early 1900s, he proved that cancer and other disease thrives in an acidic environment.

To support the benefits of this acid alkaline theory, Dr. Theodore Baroody, author of the health care book, Alkalize or Die, states, “Electronically-restructured water is produced through a special unit right at [the kitchen] sink. This method yields alkaline drinking water and…lowers the millivoltage of the water. This means that the water molecule is reconfigured into a lighter, simpler form that is definitely more absorbable in the body.”

Dr. Baroody goes on to say, “I have administered over 5000 gallons of this water for about every health situation imaginable. I feel that restructured alkaline water can benefit everyone. My suggestion is to drink restructured alkaline water whenever possible.”

Prior to  1991 when Dr. Baroody’s book was published.

Baroody, Theodore A., N.D., D.C., Ph.D. Alkalize or Die. Waynesville, NC: Holographic Health Press, 1991. pg. 125-126


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