Category Archives: Kangen Water

‘Wetter’ Water Rocks the Market

Posted by LouAnn Savage

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The big difference isn’t that alkaline Kangen Water(TM) is made by a machine and is far less costly over its life expectancy of 15 years than bottled water, but that it is a true antioxidant. That property along with its ability to micro-cluster and to become alkaline offers greater and more efficient absorption and hydration at the cellular level than any other water anywhere. In other words, it’s ‘wetter’ water. With its low oxidation reduction potential [ORP], Kangen Water(TM) naturally and efficiently carries oxygen to the blood stream and works to keep the ‘rust’ out of our ‘body’s radiator’ by making sure our internal machinery is free from pollution–pollution that contributes to health challenges that can worsen overtime. Because this unique water fights free radicals that roam our body on a regular basis, it is the best stress and disease fighter in the marketplace and it is entirely drug free. At any price this wonder machine is a bargain.

So how much does it cost? Initially, there is a greater out of pocket expense than bottled water. Over time, however, it is far less–about 85¢ a day. For the best water on the planet, an Enagic water ionizer makes more sense than buying bottled water from the market. Expensive and ‘dead,’ most ‘market water’ is made pure through a process called reverse osmosis. The Japanese call this “dead” water because it is devoid of good, healthy minerals resulting from the purifying process. Bottom-line, reverse osmosis water is a rip-off. If you were to drink only reverse osmosis water, you would pay a lot of money for mineral depletion and possible osteoporosis–a condition we see appearing more and more frequently in women and men.

Compare this to Kangen Water(TM) where good, natural alkaline minerals are consistently present. The SD501water gets rid of impurities through its superior grade carbon filter cleaning process while leaving none of the good minerals behind. When the water is sent through the electrolysis chamber, it passes over seven platinum coated titanium electrode plates. Here the water, by way of electrolysis, is split into alkaline water (-ion) and acidic water (+ion). The two waters delivered through two separate hoses gives you an endless, cost-effective supply of super-charged, antioxidant-rich alkaline water for super hydration to your organs, muscles, joints and skeletal system. Through the secondary hose comes the acidic water that is the best drug-free disinfectant for killing bacteria on your skin that money can buy.

Kangen Water(TM), like no other, most closely resembles the earth’s original water. It comes to you conveniently and efficiently, over and over and over again through your kitchen tap without having to lift one back-breaking case of bottled water. All completely sustainable, superbly beneficial and without environmental and negative health concerns, this is one water people can’t seem to live without.

LouAnn Savage is publisher and editor of The Weekly Healthline,an online health publication. She is writer, lecturer, researcher and marketer for health and fitness programs and product that advance the world toward true health. Follow LouAnn at her blog,, on and Facebook.

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U.K. Bans Vitaminwater Ads

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Poster Campaign Touting Health, Mood Benefits Run Afoul of Regulators

LONDON ( — Having already sparked a class action lawsuit and complaints from the NCAA in the U.S., Vitaminwater’s marketing approach is now running into problems abroad.

Coca-Cola Great Britain’s poster campaign for Glaceau Vitaminwater has been banned in the U.K. because they make misleading claims about the drink’s health benefits, according to regulatory agency Advertising Standards Authority, which reviewed complaints against the ads.

One poster was headlined “More muscles than brussels.” The complaints challenged the implication that the drink’s health benefits made it equivalent to eating brussels sprouts — a popular U.K. winter vegetable. Coca-Cola claimed that the phrase was instead a reference to former action-movie star Jean Claude Van Damme, who is commonly labeled the “Muscles from Brussels,” referring to his origins in the Belgian city.

Another ad claimed, “Keep perky when you’re feeling murky.” It jokingly advised consumers that if you drink Glaceau Vitaminwater you won’t have to waste your sick days on real illness, and can use them instead “to just, erm, not go in.” Coca-Cola insisted that the “perky” claim was about mood rather than health, and that it did not imply that the drink could prevent illness.

The ASA also received complaints that the ads promoted the range of drinks as healthy, when in fact they contain high levels of sugar. Coca-Cola’s defense was that the products are clearly labeled, and that 7.5 grams of sugar in 100 milliliters is not a “high sugar” content. However, the ASA upheld the complaints because the sugar contained in one Glaceau Vitaminwater represents 26% of an adult’s recommended daily sugar allowance.

The posters were created in house at Coca-Cola Great Britain.

Glaceau Vitaminwater was launched in the U.K. last summer, and is not Coca-Cola’s first bottled water to cause controversy in the country. Dasani had to be withdrawn immediately following a $11 million launch campaign in 2004, when it was revealed that Dasani was tap water, and that Coca-Cola’s purification process left the water with twice the legal limit of cancer-causing bromate.

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Want Risk-Free Health?

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Posted by LouAnn Savage

Surf’s up! Sun’s out! Everything is heating up with Kangen Water™. You knew there would be a wave and it is definitely coming in. Get your swim fins out and start paddling’!

Cancer, diabetes, heart disease watch out. You’ve got true health coming after you and chasing you down. Astoundingly, scientific research frequently discounts the importance of water in wellness. They ignore it or assume it’s naturally part of the ‘getting well’ protocol but they don’t emphasize it or look at water from a clinical perspective. Every hospital in America provides a full pitcher of water to every patient and everyday that barely gets touched. It’s there ‘in case’ the patient gets thirsty. What is perplexing is the lack of enthusiasm in America about the properties of water and its significance in the body.

Water is essential and critical for every living creature—plant, animal or human. But its need is especially dramatic for diabetics and cancer patients. There is no argument that cells are 60% water, the surrounding fluids 40% water, the brain 80% to 90% water and the overall body composition for adults 70% to 75% water. Minimizing the importance of water in wellness protocol is common by Western trained doctors. At best this is irresponsible when there is significant research to support this vital element to life itself. At worst, it is a failure to keep the patient’s best interest front and center.

Japan’s Medical School was used to test the hypothesis of the possibility that cancer or diabetic cells have the ability to return to their normal state when the water environment at the cellular level is improved.¹ The conclusion of their test significantly indicated a high probability that consumption of water generated from the electrolyzed process that facilitates micro-ionized, micro-clustered alkaline water can slow the production and proliferation of cancer cells.¹ Clinical studies have yet to be performed or available, but the findings of Dr. Mu Shik Jhon makes this hypothesis highly probable and increasingly likely.

Isn’t it time that we expected more curiosity about the prospects of water in our health protocol by those that we entrust our care?

¹Jhon, Dr. Mu Shik. The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key. Coalville, UT: Uplifting Press, Inc., 2004.

Note: YOU MAY USE THIS ARTICLE AS LONG AS YOU INCLUDE THIS…LouAnn Savage is President of Health Fit for Life. She publishes and writes for where you can sign-up for ‘The Weekly Healthline‘ and be notified of new health and wellness programs and events. Follow her at ‘kangenwater’ on twitter and Facebook.

For more information on Kangen Water on how to participate in a FREE 21-Day Trial in the Los Angeles area, please contact us.

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Study of Arsenic in Drinking Water and Cancer Risk

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Public release date: 6-May-2009

Among 71 new grants announced by Canadian Cancer Society

Toronto – A cancer prevention study, funded by the Canadian Cancer Society’s new Prevention Initiative, will investigate the risk of bladder and kidney cancer associated with environmental exposure to arsenic in drinking water. The study is one of 71 new research grants announced today by the Canadian Cancer Society.

“These important new projects represent tremendous hope for making cancer history, and we are excited to add them to our portfolio of research investments,” says Dr Christine Williams, Director of Research, Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute. “Funding research continues to be absolutely critical to our mission of eradicating cancer and enhancing the quality of life of people living with cancer. We are very grateful to our donors for making the research possible.”

The other new grants announced today (see below) represent a broad range of research funded by the Canadian Cancer Society – from prevention studies to genetics, biology, immunology, psychosocial issues to palliative care. These grants are selected through a rigorous peer-review process.

The Canadian Cancer Society is the largest national charitable funder of cancer research in Canada.

Nova Scotia drinking water study

Dr Louise Parker, of Dalhousie University in Halifax, is the Canadian Cancer Society Endowed Chair in Population Cancer Research. She will receive $575,000 over three years to carry out a study of cancer risk and drinking water quality. “In many parts of Canada, a large proportion of the population gets its drinking water from untreated water wells,” says Dr Parker. “In Nova Scotia, it’s particularly high, with 45 per cent of households relying on well water.”

Dr Parker will examine the cancer risk of low to moderate levels of arsenic in drinking water. She says the research will help policy-makers in Nova Scotia and elsewhere in Canada decide whether the cancer risk warrants new approaches to water testing and treatment.

Arsenic occurs naturally in some rock types and can leach into drinking water through drilled or dug wells. Both tasteless and odourless, arsenic at high levels is known to cause cancer – specifically kidney, bladder, lung and skin cancers – but it is not clear how much arsenic people are consuming and how this is affecting their risk of cancer.

Arsenic levels of up to 700 micrograms per litre have been reported at some wells in Nova Scotia. Health Canada has set an acceptable upper limit of 10 micrograms per litre of water.

Dr Parker will carry out the study by using extensive data on bladder and kidney cancer rates in Nova Scotia and mapping these data to different measurements of arsenic accumulation in participants’ bodies and in their drinking water.

Health Canada recommends that Canadians living in areas where there are high levels of arsenic in the groundwater have their drinking water tested for arsenic contamination.

More new grants

Also among the 71 new research grants announced today by the Society:

The cost of cancer

Dr Murray Krahn, Toronto, will receive $675,000 over four years to investigate the healthcare costs of treating 18 of the most common cancers in Ontario and BC. Understanding the costs and cost-effectiveness of cancer treatments is crucial for those making funding decisions for the cancer care system.

Lung cancer

More Canadians die of lung cancer than of breast, prostate and colon cancers combined.

Several new lung cancer research grants were awarded, including:

  • Dr Wan Lam, Vancouver, will use detailed genetic comparisons to investigate why some people who have never smoked get lung cancer ($379,000 over three years).
  • Dr Linda Penn, Toronto, will develop a new molecular diagnostic tool to root out and target the most aggressive, fast-growing lung cancers ($637,000 over five years).
  • Dr Ming Sound Tsao, Toronto, will use genetic analysis to determine which early-stage lung cancer patients are at risk of having their cancer come back after surgery and which patients are most likely to benefit from chemotherapy in addition to surgery. This will help develop a more personalized approach and prevent damaging side effects caused by unnecessary treatment ($690,000 over five years).

Family issues

Diet and breast cancer prevention: Dr Michelle Cotterchio, Toronto, will examine whether phytoestrogen-rich foods – such as soy, flaxseeds, fruits and vegetables – are associated with a lower risk of developing certain types of breast cancers ($158,000 over two years).

HPV and cervical cancer: Most sexually active women will have at least one infection from the human papillomavirus (HPV). Dr Jacques Archambault, Montreal, will study genetic variations in HPV to determine why only some of these women develop cancer ($510,000 over four years).

Childhood brain cancer: Brain cancers are very aggressive, and many are resistant to treatment. Dr Peter Dirks, Toronto, will investigate whether the different types of cells within brain tumours may need different types of therapies in order to effectively treat the cancer ($549,000 over four years).

Pancreatic cancer

Lowest survival rate

Patients with pancreatic cancer face a very grim prognosis. Dr Jeremy Wulff, Victoria, is working to develop a completely new type of drug molecule that blocks the interaction between two proteins known to play a role in causing pancreatic cancer. It is hoped that this will one day lead to new treatment options for patients ($35,000 for one year).

About the Prevention Initiative

The Canadian Cancer Society believes that at least 50 per cent of cancers can be prevented. This year, the Society awarded the first set of research grants within a special Cancer Prevention Initiative. The projects will advance the field of cancer prevention research by identifying interventions against modifiable risk factors and conditions. These include behaviours, biological factors, occupational exposures or environmental conditions that may be changed to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

The Canadian Cancer Society will invest approximately $3 million a year in this new initiative.

About the Society

The Canadian Cancer Society is a national community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer and the enhancement of the quality of life of people living with cancer. In 2007/2008, the Canadian Cancer Society spent $49.5 million on research. When you want to know more about cancer, visit our website at or call our toll-free, bilingual Cancer Information Service at 1 888 939-3333.

How can I ensure that I’m drinking the best possible healthy water?

Learn more about Kangen Water and its benefits and multiple uses.  Contact us for more details on how to obtain your own Kangen Water ionizer at your home.

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SCIO stands for Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation system. Scio is derived from the Latin = I know.

The SCIO is a sophisticated and profound energetic medicine system, derived from the QXCI [Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface]. It incorporates electro-dermal screening, stress testing and biofeedback.

It is a computerized system that both tests and balances the body at the subtle energy level.

It integrates the sciences of mathematics, quantum physics, fractal dynamics, subspace theory, electronics, and computer programming. The therapies include the following modalities: naturopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, chiropractic, energetic medicine, psychology, aromatherapy, reflexology, colour therapy, Neuro- Linguistic Programming, biofeedback and Rife Resonator. It also incorporates knowledge of metaphysical subjects to bring a unique synergistic perspective to natural healing.

What is meant by “subtle energy”?

Intelligent or invisible energy for diagnosis and healing has been used for thousands of years in acupuncture and other ancient, traditional healing arts. Conventional Western Medicine is the only major health system which does not recognise any form of biological energy. Quantum physics in the past 100 years has provided a scientific understanding of the electro-magnetism, which is at the heart of energetic medicine.
Every cell, organ, meridian and emotion has a characteristic electro-magnetic signature. Illness can start as an energetic disturbance, which can be detected by the SCIO. The body’s subtle energy system is an early warning system. Imbalances in the body’s subtle energies show up much earlier than overt physical disease.
How often have you complained of symptoms, for which all the tests come back normal? By the time blood tests and X-rays reveal abnormalities, the disease process may be quite far advanced. Healing can often only be addressed by harmonising the subtle energies.
All aspects of our lives [physical health and illness, emotions, thoughts] operate according to the laws of quantum physics. We can now all have access to the power of energetic healing, combined with ancient wisdom and modern technology.

What does the SCIO do?

The SCIO is a sophisticated, biofeedback system, which is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. It does NOT diagnose any clinical diseases.
The SCIO measures the unconscious of the patient, and provides an interface between the conscious and unconscious minds. The unconscious monitors the total complexity of current and past life experience. Since the conscious mind is aware of only a tiny fraction of this totality of exposure, it is therefore not a reliable source of information of life or disease.
The device gathers bio-energetic data from the body via fifty-five parameters simultaneously. This happens at biological speed, which is 1/100th second for each stimulus. This means that thousands of items can be screened for reaction from the body in a few minutes.
Imbalances at the energetic or subtle energy level can be an early warning system regarding health status. If imbalances go uncorrected, eventually physical symptoms will erupt, and health problems and disease develop. As well as being an early system of prevention, keeping the subtle energies balanced helps to restore physical energy.

The SCIO communicates with the body to determine what energy imbalances are most affecting personal health; physical, mental and emotional concerns. It is calibrated to measure the body’s subtle reactions to a database of biological, psychological and medical items in electro-magnetic form. The sensitivity is set so finely that it picks up the earliest sign of dis-ease [see Integrative Medicine] and distress. The information is then prioritized to help the practitioner zero-in on the body’s current specific needs. The program offers information specific to subtle energies – emotional and mental stresses, nutritional needs, toxins, food sensitivities, digestive and elimination needs, etc. The values shown represent an 85% probability that the body has reacted to that particular signal.

Evaluation and treatment

For best results, a highly trained practitioner needs to evaluate these readings. By analysing recurring patterns, he/she will be able to give information about issues which may be below conscious recognition, such as mental and emotional stresses, nutritional suggestions, food sensitivities, digestive and elimination needs etc. The energetic imbalances are identified by the SCIO in order of the body’s priorities. Treatment is thus similar to peeling an onion; each session will work with the outermost layer. The SCIO applies the appropriate healing frequencies to help correct the imbalances and allow the body to shift gears into a state of greater health and vitality. The subconscious indicates which treatment or remedies are most appropriate for each individual. The practitioner will recommend nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes, based on their ability to boost the body’s energy fields. The practitioner will apply his/her clinical judgement to determine the core illness, frequency of treatments needed, and strategy for subsequent sessions.

In order to get the most out of a SCIO session the patient will need to accept responsibility for his/her health and be prepared to implement the recommended lifestyle changes.

What can it do for you?

The therapeutic effects range from the mundane to the complex, from localised tooth pain to whole body health.
[a] Recognition of problem areas: In the hands of a trained health practitioner, the imbalances in the subtle energy field are tracked to determine the most probable sources of ill health. It stimulates conscious awareness of unconscious processes.
[b] Energetic treatment: In addition the SCIO has the capability to transmit approximately 50 different corrective energies to help the body establish energetic balance for health and well being. This includes locating and unblocking the flow of energy, zapping pathogens, biofeedback, stimulating repair processes, stimulating detoxification, desensitising allergies, reducing stress, balancing emotions, balancing chakras and more.
[c] Additional treatment recommendations: The health practitioner is also able to determine the lifestyle changes and remedies, including correction of nutritional deficiencies, that will best help as a next step in a plan for better health.

It is important to understand that the healing, which begins immediately, may, or may not, be overtly perceptible for a while. The healing process may begin subtly on the inside, with small stimuli starting cascade reactions, which result in significant changes. While it is possible that some acute imbalances may be corrected in one session, a series of sessions will generally tend to be most beneficial.

The SCIO Flow of Healing

* Identify and then remove the cause of stress. The patient must be prepared to take responsibility for his/her illness.

* Repair any damaged organs.

* Clear blockages to flow of energy in the body.

* Reduce symptoms with natural methods.

* Correct constitutional make-up, or tendencies of the patient.

How does the SCIO compare to other computerised electro-dermal screening devices?

Unlike other devices, the SCIO does not rely on a “point probe”; therefore the practitioner cannot, consciously or unconsciously, influence the results.
Whereas most devices measure skin resistance only, the SCIO uses 3 dimensional measurements to produce a 3-D analysis.
The SCIO is very fast, testing more than 8000 reactivity items and scoring the results, in 3-4 minutes. The rest of the consultation time is spent analysing and treating.
The SCIO has built in mechanisms for auto-regulating, auto-adjusting and safety shut-off, so accidental over-treatment is avoided.
It has a whole person focus, and communicates on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels.
How many treatments are needed?

This will depend on 2 factors:
1. The available reserves of the patient’s Life Force, which determines the potential for self-healing.
2. The severity of the symptoms, or depth of the disease process.
While discussing the results of your first session on the SCIO, the practitioner will recommend and discuss subsequent treatment needs. This may range from one a month for 2-3 months, for a simple condition in an otherwise healthy person; to weekly sessions for 2-3 months for seriously ill patients with impaired immunity, such as cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome.

Sessions usually take 1-1/2 to 2 hours.  For further information or appointments, please contact us at

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The Wonders of Water: Amazing Secrets for Health and Wellness

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Water prevents and helps to cure heartburn.
Heartburn is a signal of water shortage in the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. It is a major thirst signal of the human body. The use of antacids or tablet medications in the treatment of this pain does not correct dehydration, and the body continues to suffer as a result of its water shortage.

Not recognizing heartburn as a sign of dehydration and treating it with antacids and pill medications will, in time, produce inflammation of the stomach and duodenum, hiatal hernia, ulceration, and eventually cancers in the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver and pancreas.

Water prevents and helps to cure arthritis.
Rheumatoid joint pain – arthritis – is a signal of water shortage in the painful joint. It can affect the young as well as the old. The use of pain-killers does not cure the problem, but exposes the person to further damage from pain medications. Intake of water and small amounts of salt will cure this problem.

Water prevents and helps to cure back pain.
Low back pain and ankylosing arthritis of the spine are signs of water shortage in the spinal column and discs – the water cushions that support the weight of the body. These conditions should be treated with increased water intake – not a commercial treatment, but a very effective one.

Not recognizing arthritis and low back pain as signs of dehydration in the joint cavities and treating them with pain-killers, manipulation, acupuncture, and eventually surgery will, in time, produce osteoarthritis when the cartilage cells in the joints have eventually all died. It will produce deformity of the spine. It will produce crippling deformities of the limbs. Pain medications have their own life-threatening complications.

Water prevents and helps to cure angina.
Heart pain – angina – is a sign of water shortage in the heart/lung axis. It should be treated with increased water intake until the patient is free of pain and independent of medications. Medical supervision is prudent. However, increased water intake is angina’s cure.

Water prevents and helps to cure migraines.
Migraine headache is a sign of water need by the brain and the eyes. It will totally clear up if dehydration is prevented from establishing in the body. The type of dehydration that causes migraine might eventually cause inflammation of the back of the eye and possibly loss of eye sight.

Water prevents and helps to cure colitis.
Colitis pain is a signal of water shortage in the large gut. It is associated with constipation because the large intestine constricts to squeeze the last drop of water from the excrements – thus the lack of water lubrication.

Not recognizing colitis pain as a sign of dehydration will cause persistent constipation. Later in life, it will cause fecal impacting: it can cause diverticulitis, hemorrhoids and polyps, and appreciably increases the possibility of developing cancer of the colon and rectum.

Water and salt prevent and helps to cure asthma.
Asthma, which also affects 14 million children and kills several thousand of them every year, is a complication of dehydration in the body. It is caused by the drought management programs of the body. In asthma free passage of air is obstructed so that water does not leave the body in the form of vapor – the winter steam. Increased water intake will prevent asthma attacks. Asthmatics need also to take more salt to break the mucus plugs in the lungs that obstruct the free flow of air in and out of the air sacs.

Not recognizing asthma as the indicator of dehydration in the body of a growing child not only will sentence many thousands of children to die every year, but will permit irreversible genetic damage to establish in the remaining 14 million asthmatic children.

Water prevents and helps to cure high blood pressure.
Hypertension is a state of adaptation of the body to a generalized drought, when there is not enough water to fill all the blood vessels that diffuse water into vital cells. As part of the mechanism of reverse osmosis, when water from the blood serum is filtered and injected into important cells through minute holes in their membranes, extra pressure is needed for the “injection process.” Just as we inject I.V. “water” in hospitals, so the body injects water into tens of trillions of cells all at the same time. Water and some salt intake will bring blood pressure back to normal!

Not recognizing hypertension as one of the major indicators of dehydration in the human body, and treating it with diuretics that further dehydrate the body will, in time, cause blockage by cholesterol of the heart arteries and the arteries that go to the brain. It will cause heart attacks and small or massive strokes that paralyze. It will eventually cause kidney disease. It will cause brain damage and neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Water prevents and helps to cure early adult-onset diabetes.
Adult-onset diabetes is another adaptive state to severe dehydration of the human body. To have adequate water in circulation and for the brain’s priority water needs, the release of insulin is inhibited to prevent insulin from pushing water into all body cells. In diabetes, only some cells get survival rations of water. Water and some salt will reverse adult-onset diabetes in its early stages.

Not recognizing adult-onset diabetes as a complication of dehydration will, in time, cause massive damage to the blood vessels all over the body. It will cause eventual loss of the toes, feet and legs from gangrene. It will cause eye damage, even blindness.

Water lowers blood cholesterol.
High cholesterol levels are an indicator of early drought management by the body. Cholesterol is a clay-like material that is poured in the gaps of some cell membranes to safeguard them against losing their vital water content to the osmotically more powerful blood circulating in their vicinity. Cholesterol, apart from being used to manufacture nerve cell membranes and hormones, is also used as a “shield” against water taxation of other vital cells that would normally exchange water through their cell membranes.

For more information on how YOU can start drinking pure, healthy, Alkaline, Negative ORP, Micro-clustered water and for a FREE 21-Day Trial in the Los Angeles area, please contact us at .

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What is Alkaline, Ionized Water?

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And what is pH?

alkaline water ionizersEver Seen a Glacial Stream or an Iceberg?

It’s blue with minerals. It tastes totally different. It seems to enter the body lightly. It presents no resistance and you don’t ‘bloat’ like you may do with tap water or even filtered water. And the minerals are there not just to offer you those elements your system lacks, but also to ‘hold’ the real secret of glacial water; its antioxidant power. Strong, pure hydroxyl ions, actively seek out positively charged oxygen free radicals already wrecking havoc on our bodies at a cellular level.

Nature's Ionizer This is naturally occurring ionized water. Now technology has delivered a ‘clean’ answer to us in the form of alkaline, water ionizers. Water or H20 (Two Hydrogen atoms, one oxygen atom) is split into two separate streams of water – acidic waste water and drinkable alkaline water, rich in minerals.

OH- One atom of Oxygen and one atom of hydrogen negatively charged create the Hydroxyl ion. These are abundant in the prized alkaline water that we drink and love.

This ‘splitting’ of the H20 Molecule happens in a sealed ionization chamber, under exact control of a dedicated microcomputer, to ensure the exact result time after time. As filtered tap water passes across 7 specially designed Titanium electrodes, it separates into the two components mentioned above.

We drink the alkaline ionized water and we apply the acid water. How simple and how wonderful!

So What’s All This About pH?

pH Fact: Almost all of us are negativelly affected by excess acidity.

Fact: This need not be. Help is at hand.

The pH scale ranges from 0 on the acidic side to 14 on the alkaline, and a solution is neutral if its pH is 7.

At pH 7, water contains equal concentrations of H+ and OH- ions. Substances with a pH less than 7 are acidic because they contain a higher concentration of H+ ions. Higher concentration of OH- than H+. The pH scale is a logarithmic scale, so a change of one pH unit implies a tenfold shift in the concentration of hydrogen ions .

pH 6 means you are ten times more acid than pH 7.

pH 5 means you are a hundred times more acid than pH 7

The Importance of Balancing pH

ph_chart 2 Living things, including humans, are extremely sensitive to pH.

Blood plasma and other fluids that surround the cells in the body have a pH of 7.2 to 7.45.

A blood pH of 6.9 can induce coma and death. That is why all bodily systems are secondary in importance to the system of pH balancing. Your body will willingly shut down digestion, alter temperature, rob your bones of calcium, deprive your pancreas, just to maintain adequate fluid buffers of alkalinity to balance the ‘acid tide’ we inflict upon ourselves through diet and stress etc.However your body possesses numerous special mechanisms to aid in stabilizing these fluids so that cells will not be subject to appreciable fluctuations in pH.

Substances which serve as mechanisms to stabilize pH are called BUFFERS.

Buffers have the capacity to bond ions and remove them from solution whenever their concentration begins to rise. Conversely, buffers can release ions whenever their concentration begins to fall, thus helping to minimize the fluctuations in pH. This is an important function because many biochemical reactions normally occurring in living organisms either release or use up ions.

Imagine now what a load is taken off your body if its primary safety system of pH balancing can be ‘stood down’ from a continual ‘full alert’ because you now are alkalizing your body through reducing stress, eating healthier foods, avoiding harmful chemiclas and drinking adequate amounts of clean, healthy water!

Tap Water – What is it and Isn’t?

On the pH scale of 0 to 14, normal tap water measures out an approximately neutral 7, or slightly either side; acid in the case of rainwater, alkaline in the case of chemically altered municipal supplies or in hard water areas.

This water can be measured with a pH or ORP meter, and its redox (oxidation reduction potential) is +400 to +500 mV. Because it has a positive redox potential, it is apt to acquire electrons and oxidize other molecules, and then rob your body of electrons in the form of energy..

Reduced Ionized Water, on the other hand, has a negative redox potential of approximately -250 to -800 mV. This means it has a large mass of electrons ready to donate to electron-thieving active oxygen. It is ‘Live Water’, similar in atomic structure to the waters that the Hunzakuts drink directly from glacial streams in the high Himalayas.

How Your Water Ionizer Unit Works
LeveLuk SD501

LeveLuk SD501

The water ionizer unit, about the size of a bread maker, is an electronic water filter connected to your kitchen water supply to perform controlled low voltage electrolysis on tap water before you drink it or use it in the kitchen for cooking or cleaning.

A special attachment redirects tap water out of the faucet through a plastic hose into the water ionizer unit. Inside the unit, the water is first filtered which helps to remove common pollutants found in city water. Then this filtered water passes into a chamber equipped with platinum-coated titanium electrodes. Here is where the electrolysis takes place.

Cations, positive ions, gather at the negative electrodes creating cathodic or reduced water. Anions, negatively charged ions, gather at the positive electrode to make anodic or oxidized water. By this electrolysis process the reduced water not only gains an excess amount of electrons (e-), but the H2O clusters are reduced in size from about 10 to 13 molecules per cluster to 5 to 6 molecules per cluster.

The reduced ionized water comes out of the faucet, and the oxidized water comes out of a separate hose leading into the sink. You can use the reduced water for drinking or cooking. The oxidation potential of the oxidized water makes it a good sterilizing agent, helpful for washing your hands, cleaning food or kitchen utensils, and treating minor wounds and eczema.

For more information about obtaining your own Kangen Water Ionizer, please contact us at

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The Science of Live Water

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I f you descended to Earth today as an alien, your natural conclusion would be that Earth is predominantly a water-based planet. Furthermore, unlike common perceptions, you would conclude that life on Earth is hydrogen-based, because 75% of our bodies are water and 2 of the 3 atoms of water are hydrogen.

According to Herman Aihara, the father of modern Macrobiotics, we still carry our own inner sea within each of us in the form of a saline interstitial fluid. This is the fluid that carries nutrient, messages, energy and even toxins to every part of our body, and that carries away the same toxic elements and more, as a result of daily metabolic process.

It is very different to the water we drink, yet without even that, grossly contaminated and deconstructed form of H2O that we call tap water, we soon lose life force. Four days without food is tolerable. Four days without water is fatal. Not only is our body 75% water, our brain is 80% water and our blood 90%. Water is more than a carrier of other materials. It is a solvent, an infiltrator of cells, a digestion aid, a dilutor, a dilator, a nutrient transport system, a waste disposal system, an electrical message system, a chemical conduit, an energy combustor, a lubricant, a coolant and a latent heat bank. Some people even believe that water is the repository of emotion. And we thought all it did was quench our thirst!

We live in a world where it is easier to drink sugar loaded, caffeine based beverages than it is to get a good drink of pure water. We drink coffee and tea and mistake the adrenaline charge as relief from thirst. Our biggest selling and most consumed soft drink is 10,000 times more acid than our blood. Every time we take a gulp we have a petite mort, “a little death”, as our adrenals go berserk trying to cope. Even the water from our taps may be acidic and is most certainly positively charged and loaded up with energy that actually robs our bodies of electrons as it enters the body.

Yet there is an answer. It’s called Ionized water, Reduced water, Alkaline water, or Microclustered water. Whatever it is called, it is the water your body remembers.

Ionized water is far from new. In Grecian times water was stored in urns of copper and brass to cause ionization. Whether they knew how it occurred we cannot say, but the water became clear and sweet due to the electrolytic reaction that took place overnight. Today you have the choice; to continue to consume and to bathe in water that has been processed, chemically altered and deconstructed to a form that bears little resemblance to that which fell from the Heavens, or to turn the clock back using some very clever science and some basic computer technology.

For a FREE 21-Day Kangen Water Trial, please contact us at .  We’re based in the Los Angeles area and at this time can only serve people in Los Angeles.

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Bottled water versus tap: Which is safer to drink?

Both have their risks, but your home’s water is subject to broader scrutiny.

Los Angeles Times, By Elena Conis, Special to The Times

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  • Aquafina: From the Tap
    Scott Olson / Getty Images

Those ubiquitous plastic water bottles have been increasingly vilified in recent years. Los Angeles, San Francisco and Santa Barbara, among others, have banned them from purchase with city funds. A few trendsetting restaurants, and even some markets and hotels, have banned them too.

The trend has left many consumers wondering: Isn’t bottled safer than tap?

“Bottled water isn’t any safer or purer than what comes out of the tap,” says Dr. Sarah Janssen, science fellow with the Natural Resources Defense Council in San Francisco, which conducted an extensive analysis of bottled water back in 1999. “In fact, it’s less well-regulated, and you’re more likely to know what’s in tap water.”

Bottled and tap water come from essentially the same sources: lakes, springs and aquifers, to list a few. In fact, a significant fraction of the bottled water products on store shelves are tap water — albeit filtered and treated with extra steps to improve taste.

It’s not news to anyone that tap water can taste funky (too much chlorine, usually) or look discolored (from air bubbles or rust in pipes). But generally, that doesn’t mean it isn’t safe to drink, says Benjamin Grumbles, assistant administrator for water with the Environmental Protection Agency.

The great majority of the tap water in the country meets the EPA’s drinking-water standards, which regulate the levels of roughly 90 different contaminants, including germs such as giardia, heavy metals such as lead and dozens of industrial chemicals.

“If a utility is doing its job and it’s well funded, they can take all this stuff out,” says Elizabeth Royte, author of “Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We Bought It.”

Different states do face different contaminants, of course, and the national standards don’t cover everything that could possibly get into public water supplies. California, for example, has its own standards to regulate levels of the gasoline additive MTBE and the industrial chemicals called perchlorates.

But even state standards can’t account for aging pipes that carry water from public lines into those of people’s homes, which can leach copper and lead. Plus, there are certain contaminants water treatment plants just aren’t designed to take out, such as medications that wash into the sewers via human excretion or drugs being dumped down the drains. An investigation by the Associated Press this year found traces of pharmaceuticals in drinking-water supplies that serve more than 41 million Americans.

In light of such facts, bottled water may seem preferable. But coming as it does from many of the same sources as tap, bottled water is subject to many of the same contaminants, Grumbles notes. It’s held to essentially the same standards as tap water, albeit by the Food and Drug Administration and not the EPA.

And while large public water supplies are often tested for contaminants up to several times a day, the FDA requires private bottlers to test for contaminants only once a week, once a year or once every four years, depending on the contaminant.

Tap water suppliers are also subject to broader scrutiny; they’re required by law to publish and circulate an annual Consumer Confidence Report, which states their sources of water and any contaminants found. The FDA doesn’t require this of bottled-water makers, and though inspectors can drop in on water-bottling plants, such visits are assigned low priority, FDA press officer Michael Herndon says. Companies also aren’t required to share any contamination episodes with their customers.

In its favor, bottled water isn’t subject to contamination from lead in residential pipes. But it may contain chemicals that leach out of plastic bottles, which are often made of PET, or polyethylene terephthalate.

The chemical is distinct from the phthalates that have been linked to birth defects in newborn boys, but recent studies have shown that PET can release minuscule amounts of the toxic chemical antimony into water. The amounts are well below toxic levels, but microwaving a bottle or leaving it in the sun or a hot car can accelerate the process.

Bottled water hasn’t been vilified for its health risks, however. Rather, it’s the environmental toll of mass consumption (Americans have consumed more than 9 billion gallons so far this year) that’s driving some consumers back to the tap.

In California alone, more than 1 billion water bottles are thrown out annually, according to the California Department of Conservation. Nationwide, just 15% of the tens of billions of bottles consumed each year are recycled. The Pacific Institute, a research group based in Oakland, calculates that in 2006, manufacturing those billions of bottles required 17 million barrels of oil.

Which relates to the final argument against bottled water: cost. Price it by the gallon, and water in those single-serve bottles is more expensive than even today’s high-priced gasoline.

Tap water, on the other hand, “is one of the best bargains American consumers can find,” Grumbles says.

We’re not asking anyone just to switch to tap water without using any filters or water ionizers.  Tap water should be filtered and ionized.  Find out more about Kangen Water and how it’s produced from tap water here.

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13 Reasons Why Enagic Is Better Than Other Brands

Posted by LouAnn Savage

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Results have no price. Like me, you’ve probably seen too many people who want a cheap fix. Those people will always lose, always be disgruntled and always complain. Those people are not Enagic prospects.

Are you one who’ll search both coasts and everywhere in between for the best surgeon to operate on you or your family and pay whatever it costs? Then you belong in the Enagic family.
Recently I’d been told of a customer who said, “I can buy [Brand B] for half the price of yours [SD501] and it does the same thing.” Or, I’d heard reps of other companies say, “My machine is the same and it is half the price.” Statements like these are unadulterated poppy-cock and here is a baker’s dozen reasons why. Enagic is…

  1. Medical grade deemed by Japanese government
  2. Endorsed by Japan’s most famous doctor and is one of the world’s foremost gastroenterologists. He prescribes Kangen Water™ and states his preference in his best selling book, The Enzyme Factor. You can learn about it on my Kangen Water Blog where you can also order it. This book is a ‘must have’ tool for every Enagic owner and every Enagic distributor.
  3. Awarded the Linus Pauling award for ecology
  4. Qualified for ISO 9001 and 14001 certifications in quality and environment (these certifications are very difficult to come by and manufacturing companies have to meet stringent criteria for the International Standard of Organization.
  5. Endorsed by 6500 member non-profit doctor’s group in Japan. The Japanese Association of Preventive Medicine for Adult Disease only endorses one product in a given industry thus the Enagic ionizer is the only ionizer they recommend.
  6. Licensed as Manufacturer of a medical device by Osaka Prefecture, License Number: 27BZ006010. Enagic manufacturers all their own parts and hand assembles and tests each machine individually before it leaves the factory in Okinawa. No other ionizer in Japan, Korea or U.S. meets or comes close to this standard.
  7. Dispenses water at an unlimited rate. There is no rest or wait time required between specified amounts. Absolutely no wait time. No limit on the amount of water you can take from the machine in a 24 hr period. The device is a work horse.
  8. Quality construction that lasts for 15 years and beyond with proper care.
  9. All hand assembled. Enagic is an ISO manufacturing factory that doesn’t buy pre-made parts from suppliers.
  10. All parts manufactured by Enagic at solely owned factory in Okinawa. They buy no parts from suppliers.
  11. Excellent service should the equipment, in rare circumstances, require attention.
  12. Plates are designed to an easy access standard and are made to be looked at and serviced one at a time if necessary. Whereas other brands solder all the plates into a case that does not allow for individual repair or service thereby making it a costly repair.  
  13. A warranty for 5 years that can be counted on. No gimmicks.

Now here’s something you’ll want to remember! If lowest price is going to be a dealmaker rather than a deal breaker for you, the Enagic SunUs, at $1280, is manufactured with the same high Enagic standard in mind. And it’s far BETTER than the most expensive alternative brands. Yes, it’s true. Our SunUs can outperform the best of any other brand. In reality, you can beat price any day. But that’s not what health should be about. When in doubt, remember the surgeon!

For more information and a Free 21-Day Trial in the Los Angeles area, please contact us at


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Kangen Water Online Demo


Click to view the Kangen Water Online Demo presentation in Power Point.


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Nature’s Greatest Medicine – It Costs Next To Nothing and You Have It at Home


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MEMBERS ALERT  Vol. 5, No. 2

Private access to hidden cures, powerful discoveries, breakthrough treatments, and urgent advances in modern underground medicine.

Nature’s Greatest Medicine

It costs next to nothing… and you have it at home…

Dear Member,

It happened about three months ago. I was rooting around in the basement of HIS, looking through old issues, when I came across a book that made some amazing claims. Entitled Your Body’s Many Cries For Water, it argued that most chronic disease-rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, allergies, adult diabetes, anginal pain, peptic ulcers, etc., is actually caused by chronic dehydration. If you actually drink the right amount of water daily, these problems will disappear.

Imagine being free from disease and illness…simply by drinking more water.

Sound silly? That’s what I thought. But being the kind of person who can’t fall asleep without reading, I decided to take it home.

Thank heavens I did.

Dehydration: the source of chronic disease!

Not only does the author, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj (Bat-man-GELL-idj), explain how lack of water causes these disorders, but he cites dozens of prominent studies backing up his claims. Keep in mind, you are composed primarily of water-it’s about 80 percent of your body weight. Water governs all your functions, from your brain right down to your immune-system strength. It seems obvious then that a lack of water would seriously harm the efficiency and effectiveness of your body’s various systems.

Take rheumatoid arthritis, for example. When bones meet at a joint, they’re protected by a cushion of cartilage filled with water. If the protection isn’t there, the bones rub against one another, causing serious damage and excruciating pain. But what happens if the water inside the cushion is low, because the person isn’t drinking enough of it? Well, the cartilage at that joint rubs away, and soon the cushion is gone and the bones are unprotected.

Makes sense, doesn’t it? But seeing really is believing in my case…

The real test

As convincing as the science was, I still needed to experience the effects for myself. So I gave it a shot. I increased my daily water intake to the two-liter (eight glasses) minimum that Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends. Then I waited.

I didn’t have to wait long.

It was routine for me to get a headache at the end of the workday. Within a few days of my new water-drinking habit, the headaches were gone (and I haven’t had one since). I also found my energy-level increased, as well as my ability to concentrate.

And then I noticed the best part of all-my allergies were gone. That’s right, in the middle of a high-pollen Maryland spring (just about the worst place to be if you have allergies) I was fine.

Not runny eyes. No runny nose. No coughing or sneezing. Nothing.

Why? Because in a state of dehydration, the body’s cells release more histamine, leading to the allergy symptoms. With a proper amount of water, the body regulates the histamine, the allergic reactions are held back.

So you understand why I had to tell you about this. I’ve been freed from annoying headaches and miserable allergies-simply by drinking water. And if it worked for me, it can certainly work for you. Your Body’s Many Cries For Water is full of testimonials from people who have been cured of everything from asthma to ulcers to high blood pressure (and more).

You need to try this.

But don’t just guzzle two liters of water in one sitting. There’s a bit more to it than that.

How to drink for maximum effectiveness

Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends two eight-ounce glasses of water after getting up in the morning (you’ve just gone eight hours without fluids). You also need to drink a glass one half hour before each meal and two hours afterward. Two glasses of water should be taken before going to bed.

Additionally, you need to drink anytime you feel thirsty.

You should avoid alcohol and caffeine when possible, since both drain you of more fluid than you take in by drinking them. If you really want to have a glass of wine or a cup of tea, make sure to drink extra water to replace the fluid you’ll lose by consuming them.

You may also need to increase your sea salt intake. Sea salt is an essential nutrient, and may get washed out when you raise your water consumption. For this reason, Dr. Batmanghelidj recommends that for every ten glasses of water you drink each day, you should increase your sea salt intake by half a teaspoon. Obviously, though, you need to exercise care in doing this if you already have a high-salt diet.

The world’s cheapest miracle cure

Here at HIS, we get to see the latest treatments in alternative medicine. Some of them, though highly effective, can be somewhat expensive. That’s why we thought it was so important for you to hear about the miraculous power of water. Where else will you find a cure-all that’s almost free?

IF you suffer from any chronic disease, you must give water a try…you can’t beat the price, and you’ll love the results.

For more information on Kangen Water and how you can own your own Kangen Water machine, please contact us.


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Is Distilled Water Good For Us?


What is the pH of the notoriously clean, distilled water? If you know anything about distillers, or own one (like I do), then read on.

Since the dawn of time there has been distillation in nature and it continues each and every day. The term we know it by is the Hydrologic Cycle. The Hydrologic Cycle (also called the water cycle) is the process that moves water around the earth. The cycle starts with the sun heating water in our rivers, lakes and oceans and turning it into water vapor which rises into the air (called evaporation). When water vapor cools it forms clouds (condensation) which become heavy with water and rains back to earth (precipitation). Nature knows best and nature supplies distilled water in the form of rain. However, rain water is no longer pure due to atmospheric pollution. Have you ever seen the color of rain water that has been collected in a bucket? The yellow tint it has is due to the slightly acidic pH level, which is usually around 5.6, because carbon dioxide and water in the air react together to form carbonic acid, a weak acid. The extra acidity in rain comes from the reaction of air pollutants; primarily sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides, with water in the air to form strong acids (like sulfuric and nitric acid). The main sources of these pollutants are vehicles and industrial and power-generating plants.

With that being said, people have turned to in-home distillers to duplicate the process. Distilled water is water that has been boiled in an apparatus called a “still” and then recondensed in a cooling unit (”condenser”) to return the water to the liquid state. Some of the higher-end models use a charcoal filter to remove any remaining gases. The boiling action kills bacteria and other micro-organisms, and contaminants are left behind in the boiling chamber. The effectiveness of distillation is over 99+% (99.99% removal has been achieved even on ocean water–over 35,000 P.P.M).

Now with that explanation understood, distilled water will test out in a range of pH 5.5-5.8. The reason is that distilled water dissolves carbon dioxide from the air. It dissolves carbon dioxide until it is in dynamic equilibrium with the atmosphere. That means that the amount being dissolved balances the amount coming out of solution. The total amount in the water is determined by the concentration in the atmosphere. The dissolved carbon dioxide reacts with the water and finally forms carbonic acid.

Distilled water tends to be acidic and can only be recommended as a way of drawing poisons out of the body. Dr. Theodore Baroody, in his book “Alkalize or Die”, offers a list of symptoms that may be precipitated by Acidosis:

Beginning Symptoms:
1. Acne
2. Agitation
3. Muscular pain
4. Cold hands and feet
5. Dizziness
6. Low energy
7. Joint pains that travel
8. Food allergies
9. Chemical sensitivities or odors, gas, heat
10. Hyperactivity
11. Panic attacks
12. Pre-menstrual and menstrual cramping
13. Pre-menstrual anxiety and depression
14. Lack of sex drive
15. Bloating
16. Heartburn
17. Diarrhea
18. Constipation
19. Hot urine.
20. Strong smelling urine
21. Mild headaches
22. Rapid panting breath
23. Rapid heartbeat
24. Irregular heartbeat
25. White coated tongue
26. Hard to get up
27. Excess Head mucus
28. Metallic taste in mouth


Intermediate Symptoms:
1. Cold sore (Herpes I & II)
2. Depression
3. Loss of memory
4. Loss of concentration
5. Migraine headaches
6. 1nsomnia
7. Disturbance in smell, vision, taste
8. Asthma
9. Bronchitis
10. Hay Fever
11. Ear Aches
12. Hives
13. Swelling
14. Viral infections (cold, flu)
15. Bacterial Infections (staph, strep)
16. Fungal infections (candida albicans, athlete’s foot, vaginal)
17. Impotence
18. Urethritis
19. Cystitis
20. Urinary infection
21. Gastritis
22. Colitis
23. Excessive falling hair
24. Psoriasis
25. Endometriosis
26. Stuttering
27. Numbness and tingling
28. Sinusitis

Advanced Symptoms:
1. Crohn’s disease
2. Schizophrenia
3. Learning Disabled
4. Hodgkin’s Disease
5. Systemic Lupus Erythematosis
6. Multiple Sclerosis
7. Sarcoidosis
8. Rheumatoid arthritis
9. Myasthenia Gravis
10. Scleroderma
11. Leukemia
13. All other forms of cancer
I encourage you to do your own research on the pH of the water you drink, and I’m sure you will consider an Alkaline based Kangen Water as I did.

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Bottled Water vs. Tap Water

Chemicals, contaminants, pollution, price: new reasons to rethink what you drink and beware of bottled water.

By Janet Majeski Jemmott

Growing Thirst

Remember the drinking fountain, that once ubiquitous, and free, source of H2O? It seems quaint now. Instead, bottled water is everywhere, in offices, airplanes, stores, homes and restaurants across the country. We consumed over eight billion gallons of the stuff in 2006, a 10 percent increase from 2005. It’s refreshing, calorie-free, convenient to carry around, tastier than some tap water and a heck of a lot healthier than sugary sodas. But more and more, people are questioning whether the water, and the package it comes in, is safe, or at least safer than tap water — and if the convenience is worth the environmental impact.

What’s in That Bottle?
Evocative names and labels depicting pastoral scenes have convinced us that the liquid is the purest drink around. “But no one should think that bottled water is better regulated, better protected or safer than tap,” says Eric Goldstein, co-director of the urban program at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), a nonprofit organization devoted to protecting health and the environment.

Bottled Water Scam?
Dave Robertson/Masterfile
More than 25% of bottled water comes from a public source.

Yes, some bottled water comes from sparkling springs and other pristine sources. But more than 25 percent of it comes from a municipal supply. The water is treated, purified and sold to us, often at a thousandfold increase in price. Most people are surprised to learn that they’re drinking glorified tap water, but bottlers aren’t required to list the source on the label.

This year Aquafina will begin stating on labels that its H2O comes from public water sources. And Nestlé Pure Life bottles will indicate whether the water comes from public, private or deep well sources. Dasani acknowledges on its website, but not on the label itself, that it draws from local water.

Labels can be misleading at best, deceptive at worst. In one notorious case, water coming from a well located near a hazardous waste site was sold to many bottlers. At least one of these companies labeled its product “spring water.” In another case, H2O sold as “pure glacier water” came from a public water system in Alaska.

Lisa Ledwidge, 38, of Minneapolis, stopped drinking bottled water a couple of years ago, partly because she found out that many brands come from a municipal supply. “You’re spending more per gallon than you would on gasoline for this thing that you can get out of the tap virtually for free,” she says. “I wondered, Why am I spending this money while complaining about how much gas costs? But you don’t ever hear anyone complain about the price of bottled water.” Ledwidge says she now drinks only filtered tap water.

The controversy isn’t simply about tap vs. bottled water; most people drink both, knowing the importance of plenty of water. What they may not know is that some bottled water may not be as pure as they expect. In 1999 the NRDC tested more than 1,000 bottles of 103 brands of water. (This is the most recent major report on bottled water safety.) While noting that most bottled water is safe, the organization found that at least one sample of a third of the brands contained bacterial or chemical contaminants, including carcinogens, in levels exceeding state or industry standards. Since the report, no major regulatory changes have been made and bottlers haven’t drastically altered their procedures, so the risk is likely still there.

The NRDC found that samples of two brands were contaminated with phthalates, in one case exceeding Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standards for tap water. These chemicals, used to make plastic softer, are found in cosmetics and fragrances, shower curtains, even baby toys, and are under increasing scrutiny. They’re endocrine disrupters, which means they block or mimic hormones, affecting the body’s normal functions. And the effects of exposure to the widespread chemicals may add up.

When exposed to high levels of phthalates during critical developmental periods, male fetuses can have malformed reproductive organs, including undescended testicles. Some experts link phthalates to low sperm counts.

Water bottles do not contain the chemical, which means the phthalates detected by the NRDC probably got into the water during processing at the bottling plant, or were present in the original water source (phthalates have been found in some tap water).

Bottled water is regulated for safety, but it’s a tricky thing. The EPA regulates tap water, while the FDA oversees bottled. Yet FDA oversight doesn’t apply to water packaged and sold within the same state, leaving some 60 to 70 percent of bottled water, including the contents of watercooler jugs, free of FDA regulation, according to the NRDC’s report. In this case, testing depends on the states, but the NRDC found that they often don’t have adequate resources to oversee bottled water, in some cases lacking even one full-time person for an entire state.

The FDA requires bottlers to regularly test for contaminants, but the agency considers bottled water a low-risk product, so plants may not be inspected every year. According to one FDA official, it’s the manufacturer’s responsibility to ensure that the product complies with laws and regulations. Some bottlers turn to NSF International, a trade group that conducts yearly unannounced inspections of plants, looking at the source of the water and the treatment process, and testing for contaminants. Other companies belong to the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA), which also performs annual unannounced tests to ensure the plant is up to FDA standards. IBWA has its own regulations, some of which are stricter than the FDA’s.

Bottlers don’t have to let consumers know if their product becomes contaminated, but sometimes they pull their products from stores. In fact, between 1990 and 2007, this happened about 100 times, says Peter Gleick of the Pacific Institute in Oakland, California. Among the reasons for recall: contamination with mold, benzene, coliform, microbes, even crickets.

The Plastic Problem

Most bottled water comes in polyethylene terephthalate bottles, indicated by a number 1, PET or PETE on the bottle’s bottom. (No, it’s not the same phthalate mentioned earlier.) The bottles are generally safe, says Ken Smith, PhD, immediate past chair of the American Chemical Society’s division of environmental chemistry. But scientists say when stored in hot or warm temperatures, the plastic may leach chemicals into the water.

Brenda Decker, 45, of Lake Stockholm, New Jersey, used to buy bottled water in bulk and store it in the crawl space under her house, where it was exposed to high temperatures. But a friend who owns a natural food store recently warned her that the plastic could leach chemicals into the water. So Decker has stopped buying bottled water and is going back to the tap. “It’s a process, but I’m willing to go with it to make sure my kid is healthy. That’s my biggest drive.”

Safe drinking water
Photographed by Jeremy Lips
Get a canteen and try the tap again.

High temperatures in your storage space aren’t the only potential risk; so are the other things you keep there. Experts advise against storing water in the garage, near gas fumes, pesticides and other chemicals that could, at the very least, affect the smell and taste of the H2O.

It’s not just where you store your water, but what you do with it as you carry it with you. Many people sip from a bottle that’s been sitting in a hot car, a potentially dangerous move. “Leaving bottled water out in the car changes the chemical equilibrium so that the materials from the plastic go into the water faster,” says Smith.

When 22-year-old Amy Dowley, a senior at Vassar College in Poughkeepsie, New York, heard about these risks, she was worried. “I never drank bottled water, because I knew the water from my tap was clean and healthy, but I used to fill used plastic soda or juice bottles with tap water to carry around,” she says. Now she uses a stainless steel Klean Kanteen portable container or fills a cup from the sink. “Any way we can cut back on plastic is a good thing.”

“Are there hazards associated with these chemicals?” asks James Kapin, a chemical safety consultant in San Diego. “Absolutely.” But as with many debates on chemicals, the exact health risks are unknown. “We very rarely get black-and-white answers for the health effects of long-term exposure. At some point, I hope, there will be a scientific consensus.”

In the meantime, experts have raised a warning flag about a few specific chemicals. Antimony is a potentially toxic material used in making PET. Last year, scientists in Germany found that the longer a bottle of water sits around (in a store, in your home), the more antimony it develops. High concentrations of antimony can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In the study, levels found were below those set as safe by the EPA, but it’s a topic that needs more research.

Last summer, a National Institutes of Health (NIH) committee agreed that bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical found in polycarbonate (used to make watercooler jugs, sport-water bottles and other hard plastics, but not PET), may cause neurological and behavioral problems in fetuses, babies and kids. A separate NIH-sponsored panel found that the risk was even greater, saying that adult exposure to BPA likely affects the brain, the female reproductive system and the immune system. The FDA has reviewed these reports and says it will keep monitoring the data to see if the agency needs to take regulatory action.

The potential health risks are important to understand, but bottled water also affects the health of the planet.

“Bottled water is an increasingly growing business, and with that comes a whole lot of environmental impact that can be avoided by a turn of the faucet,” says Jenny Powers of the NRDC. While we struggle to cut down on our consumption of fossil fuels, bottled water increases them. Virgin petroleum is used to make PET, and the more bottles we use, the more virgin petroleum will be needed to create new bottles. Fossil fuels are burned to fill the bottles and dis-tribute them. (Stephen Kay of IBWA points out that it’s not just bottled water, but juices, soda and other beverages packed in plastic that add to this waste.)

Some brands of water come from islands and countries thousands of miles away, and shipping bottles can cause carbon pollution to spill into the water and spew into the air.

Then there’s the waste of water itself, says Todd Jarvis, PhD, associate director of the Institute for Water and Watersheds at Oregon State University. According to his calculations, it takes about 72 billion gallons of water a year, worldwide, just to make the empty bottles.

Treating and filtering tap water for bottling creates even more waste. By some estimates, it takes about two liters of water to make every liter you see on store shelves. “Bottled water has a significant environmental burden,” says the NRDC’s Goldstein.

A big part of the appeal of bottled water is those convenient single-serving bottles. Yet fewer than 20 percent of them ever make it to a second life, according to estimates by the Container Recycling Institute. The rest are tossed onto beaches and roadsides and into landfills, where they could be around for a thousand years. Nestlé Waters, Dasani and other bottlers are trying to be greener, introducing lighter-weight bottles that use up to 30 percent less plastic.

It’s a good start, but more needs to be done — by them, and by us.

What You Can Do

Worried about the toll your bottled water habit has on you or the earth? Take these steps.

Try the tap again. First, check it out. If your water comes from a public source (rather than a well), you should get a water-quality or consumer-confidence report from the water company once a year. It’s also available at any time from the local water utility. Read the report carefully, making sure not only that your water has received a passing grade overall but also that contaminants haven’t exceeded the maximum allowable levels, even for a short while. If you have well water, get it tested every year. For more information, call the EPA’s toll-free Safe Drinking Water Hotline at 800-426-4791, or visit the website for the Campaign for Safe and Affordable Drinking Water.

Get a canteen. Carry your plain or filtered tap water in a reusable stainless steel or lined drinking container, and clean it between uses. Some come with an easy-to-tote strap. We like the stainless steel versions from Klean Kanteen and New Wave Enviro, and the colorful bottles from SIGG.

Think twice about the office watercooler. If it’s made of polycarbonate, it has the potential to leach BPA, a chemical that can cause neurological problems, among other things. And have you ever seen anyone actually clean the watercooler? Probably not.

Shop smart. When you must have bottled, look for brands that have NSF certifica-tion or belong to IBWA. Check out the lists at or, or look at the bottle itself (the NSF logo appears on labels of tested brands). If the brand you’re looking for isn’t there, contact the bottler. Ask where the water is bottled and what exactly is in it.

Keep it cool. Don’t drink from a bottle that’s been subjected to high temperatures (sitting in your car, for example), don’t store it anywhere it will be exposed to heat or chemicals, and don’t reuse plastic bottles.

Go with glass. Choose glass containers (Eden Springs and Voss are two popular brands) over plastic whenever possible. When you’re done, recycle!

Do You Need a Filter?
The water that comes out of your faucet is probably safe. In general, toxins in drinking water don’t exceed EPA limits, but there are still legitimate concerns. From a funny taste to lead contamination from aging pipes, your tap water may have picked up some unsavory additions along the way.

What’s in your water? Certain areas of the country are subject to particular toxins, such as runoff from farms and by-products of industry, like arsenic, which can also occur naturally in the environment.

Have it tested. If you’re concerned, have your water tested by a lab that’s certified by the state; the EPA has an online listing of certification officers, or call your health department for recommendations.Choose a filter. Choices range from tabletop containers, such as a carafe with a carbon filter (Brita and PUR are popular brands), to devices that purify the water as it enters your home. In between are faucet-mounted, under-sink and reverse osmosis units. Look for one approved by NSF, Underwriters Laboratories or the Water Quality Association, and clean it as recommended by the manufacturer. Do it yourself. Some water is treated with chlorine to kill bacteria, but the taste turns people off. The fix? Pour water into a clear glass container and leave it uncovered in the refrigerator for 24 hours to let the chlorine dissipate into the air.

Fluoride Facts
Most bottled water doesn’t contain added fluoride (if it does, it will say so on the label). Kids are drinking more bottled water and less fluoridated tap, and some say that’s behind the recent rise in dental decay. While the cavity link hasn’t been confirmed, pediatric dentist Mary Hayes, DDS, says, “I tell parents that if they choose bottled water without fluoride, they’re losing an opportunity to protect their child’s teeth. We know fluoride has a great track record in diminishing the risk of decay.”

If your tap water is fortified, you probably don’t need fluoride in bottled. But if your family has well water without fluoride, drinks only bottled or uses a filter that removes fluoride (many do), ask your dentist about supplements for your child.

Bottled Water’s Environmental Toll
Eco Footprint
• The energy used each year making the bottles needed to meet the demand for bottled water in the United States is equivalent to more than 17 million barrels of oil. That’s enough to fuel over 1 million cars for a year.

• If water and soft drink bottlers had used 10% recycled materials in their plastic bottles in 2004, they would have saved the equivalent of 72 million gallons of gasoline. If they had used 25%, they would have saved enough energy to electrify more than 680,000 homes for a year.

• In 2003, the California Department of Conservation estimated that roughly three million water bottles are trashed every day in that state. At this rate, by 2013 the amount of unrecycled bottles will be enough to create a two-lane highway that stretches the state’s entire coast.

• In 2004 the recycling rate for all beverage containers was 33.5 percent. If it reached 80 percent, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions would be the equivalent of removing 2.4 million cars from the road for a year.

• That bottle that takes just three minutes to drink can take up to a thousand years to biodegrade.

Sources: Earth Policy Institute, As You Sow, Container Recycling Institute.

From Reader’s Digest – February 2008

For filtered, ionized, pure alkaline, negative ORP, microclustered water, please click here to read more about Kangen Water in your home/business/life.  You may also contact us for more information.


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Pepsi Admits Aquafina Comes Fom Tap Water

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

It’s a great marketing gimmick: A bottle of water with a clean, blue label showing images of snow-capped mountains and the claim, “Pure water, perfect taste.” That’s the image created by Pepsico’s Aquafina brand of water, and many consumers leap to the incorrect conclusion that Aquafina is sourced from mountain spring water.

In reality, Aquafina comes from tap water. Yes, the same water you get when you turn on your kitchen faucet. Of course, Aquafina is filtered, purified and perhaps even enhanced with trace amounts of added minerals, but it’s certainly not mountain spring water. It’s just processed tap water — the same stuff that fills your toilet bowl when you flush.

Both the International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) and the FDA believe there’s really no need to require bottled water manufacturers to admit their products come from tap water. No surprise there — both these organizations routinely act to protect the interests of powerful corporations, and when it comes to bottled water, the biggest companies are often those sourcing the lowest quality water (such as tap water).

This idea that consumers should not be informed their high-priced bottled water is really just filtered tap water is consistent with the aims of food, drug and beverage corporations, who almost universally agree that consumers should be given less information, not more, about the products they’re swallowing. Over the last several decades, corporations have vigorously opposed truth in labeling laws and regulations, including those requiring the labeling of trans fatty acids, sodium content and even ingredients lists! (If the food corporations had their way, all ingredients would be considered “proprietary formulas” and not listed on the label at all.)

This bottled water issue brings to light the apparent deceptive practices of some of the largest suppliers of bottled water products. By avoiding the honest labeling of the source of their water while relying on snow-capped mountain imagery, these companies quietly mislead consumers into thinking their water products are from a pristine, natural source such as a mountain spring.

CAI pressures PepsiCo to tell the truth

PepsiCo only agreed to tell the truth on their bottled water labels after being pressured by Corporate Accountability International (CAI), a non-profit organization that helps protect consumers from corporate abuse. See their website at

CAI rallied consumers from around the world to complain to PepsiCo about the current labeling of Aquafina, and thousands of consumers slammed PepsiCo’s phone lines so hard that the company was forced to shut down call center operations. CAI told NaturalNews that within 30 minutes after the call-to-action announcement went live, PepsiCo’s consumer phone lines were no longer being answered and would not allow callers to leave voice mails. Pepsi executives reportedly held an emergency meeting and made a decision to add the phrase, “Public water source” to Aquafina labels.

Reluctantly admitting a small part of the truth

Even then, the phrase “public water source” isn’t very descriptive. To some people, the phrase simply implies that Aquafina is itself a public water source. It’s not the same as admitting, “Aquafina comes from tap water,” which would be a far more honest way to label the product. But PepsiCo seems to have no interest in advertising the source of their Aquafina product, and my guess is that the “public water source” text on the label will be really small and difficult to read. It’s much like the labeling of side effects of prescription drugs: They bury the bad news somewhere that most consumers won’t ever look.

Aquafina is currently the top-selling bottled water brand in the United States. According to CAI, 4 out of 5 consumers now drink bottled water, and 1 out of 5 drink it as their sole water source! (Gee, that’s a lot of plastic going to landfill, too…)

The bottles used to package bottled water are almost always made from plastics containing bisphenol-A (BPA), a carcinogenic chemical that often leaches into the water and gets swallowed by consumers. Click here to read our articles on BPA, a chemical widely believed to contribute to certain cancers. This contamination factor, however, is true for all products stored in plastic bottles, not merely water. Sports drinks, sodas, fruit drinks and even “healthy” smoothie drinks packaged in plastic all share a common risk of BPA contamination.

Bottled water vs. public water infrastructure

The widespread shift towards bottled water products is increasingly causing consumers to lose faith in public water infrastructure, which ultimately leads to public reluctance to support investment in public water supplies. This concerns many cities who are worried that a lack of public support will cause funding for water infrastructure to erode.

These people tend to describe treated municipal water as remarkably pristine and safe for human consumption. In my opinion, however, tap water should never be swallowed without filtering it, since tap water contains scary levels of toxic chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride, a dangerous water additive chemical often contaminated with arsenic.
So I wouldn’t drink from the public water supply in the first place, but neither do I rely on bottled water. I use a water filtration system to clean tap water before I drink it. (Coincidentally, this is similar to what PepsiCo does when creating Aquafina water, except PepsiCo uses plastic bottles, where I only drink out of glass or stainless steel.)

You can get clean public water in places like Hawaii, Oregon and anywhere that’s close to the mountains, but most folks in first world nations are getting tap water that’s far from pristine. The public water infrastructure in the U.S. may be among the best in the world, but that’s not saying much. I won’t even shower in U.S. public water without using a chlorine filter on my shower head. (Recommended brand: Aquasana at ).   There are better options for clean water in your home available today.  Read about Kangen Water, its health benefits and why you should own the machine. 

My view on PepsiCo

Since this story has much to do with PepsiCo, I thought I would offer my personal opinion on this corporation. In my opinion, PepsiCo is a highly destructive corporation that is partially responsible for obesity, diabetes, depression and bone disorders among hundreds of millions of people around the world. Through its aggressive (and deceptive, in my opinion) marketing campaigns, lack of corporate ethics and ready willingness to exploit human beings for profit, PepsiCo has risen to be one of the most financially profitable yet ethically bankrupt organizations on the planet.

If PepsiCo were to disappear from the face of the earth tomorrow, humanity would be healthier the very next day. PepsiCo’s brands include: (followed by my opinion statement about that particular brand)

Frito-Lay: Dangerous junk food that contributes to obesity, heart disease, cancer, depression and other serious diseases.

Pepsi-Cola: Toxic beverages that destroy bone mineral density and poison consumers with chemical sweeteners in diet drinks.

Gatorade: Crap sports drinks that contain artificial colors made from petrochemical derivatives.

Tropicana: A low-end fruit juice brand engaged in deceptive labeling for many of its products.

Quaker: This is perhaps the only tolerable brand in the PepsiCo portfolio. Oatmeal is essentially good for you, although instant oats and all the sugars found in many oatmeal products make it a rather high-glycemic food that’s not recommended for most people (especially diabetics or obese people).

Put it all together and you have a collection of some of the least healthy foods and beverages on the market today. When future historians examine today’s epidemics of obesity and diabetes, they will no doubt scrutinize the role of companies like PepsiCo and Coca-Cola, both of which are partly to blame for modern disease epidemics. Both companies, by the way, continue to engage in routine marketing of junk foods and sodas to children.

Pepsico is a corporation that won’t even list the acrylamide content in their fried foods. Nor will it publicly admit that high-fructose corn syrup has any link whatsoever to obesity. PepsiCo, in my opinion, is a corporation living in a deviant reality, unwilling to take responsibility for its role in poisoning the population through its toxic food and beverage products.

That’s my personal opinion of PepsiCo, its brands and its products. Personally, I wouldn’t buy anything made by PepsiCo. I have no desire to financially reward this company by purchasing its products. If anything, we should all be boycotting PepsiCo products (and Coca-Cola, for that matter) and getting our water from somewhere else.

When traveling through airports, of course, I am sometimes forced to buy Aquafina or Dasani, as nothing else is available. This is the only time you’ll ever see me drinking out of a PepsiCo bottle.

If I were in charge around here, I would immediately ban all advertising of junk foods, sodas, snack foods, cigarettes, pharmaceuticals and other harmful substances. It’s the only sane thing to do if we care about the future of our children. Of course, such advertising bans will never actually take place because corporations run the government. See my CounterThink Cartoon, Government of the People for a humorous depiction of this current state of affairs.

And as far as Pepsi’s water brand goes, I think it should be renamed to AquaFib.

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